Ratings & Reviews

Your opinion is important to us! We want to hear about the products you like, the reasons why and any areas for improvement. Your experience will help other customers choose the right products and guide us on what we can do better.

As well as a rating, you can also provide a text review and include images, allowing you to provide more insight into your experience of the product.

You may even see some of the best reviews appearing on Halfords advertisements, as no one can describe our products more effectively than our customers.

Following a product purchase, customers will receive an email asking to leave a review. Simply follow the steps outlined in the email to share your experience.

This process ensures all our reviews are written by real customers, allowing others to get a clear understanding of our products.

  • Provide as much detail as you can - your review will help other customers make their decision.
  • Keep it relevant.
  • Avoid talking about aspects that are subject to change, such as special offers or pricing, so that your review will not become out of date.
  • Share advice and let others know about anything they might find useful.

Please note, we cannot publish the following:

  • Customer Service Issues - If you have an issue with your order, please contact Customer Services directly.
  • Personal Contact Information - we want to protect your privacy.
  • Information about other companies and website information about price.

Including any information about the above will mean your review will not appear.